Terms Of Conditions

By accessing manaoorumanacity.info Service and Platforms, You represent that:-

  • You are 10 years of age or older;
  • You are capable of entering into a contract /legally binding agreement;
  • You have the right, authority and capability to enter into this Agreement abiding by all the provisions of the “terms of use” of manaoorumanacity.info Services.
  • You are not barred or otherwise legally prohibited from accessing or using services of manaoorumanacity.info Entities under the laws of India.
  • You are not impersonating any person or entity, or falsely stating your age or affiliation with any person or entity manaoorumanacity.info Entities shall reserve the right to terminate your contract to use manaoorumanacity.info Platform in case of any incorrect representation of the above-mentioned conditions.
  • The mandatory information and Officially valid document(s) “OVD”/ document details mentioned by you are true & correct and belong to You.